Our History
Early records indicate that Rev. William C. Rothrock preached to a
Reformed Christian group of people. Services were held in area barns
and residence throughout the borough as early as 1859.
On February 12,1871, that a congregation was formally organized and
recognized by the Reformed Church of the United States. Members of
the first elected Consistory included: Elders: Owen L. Schreiber and
Benjamin Levan. Deacons: A.F Krout, C.H. Knerr, Edward S. Haff, and
Nathan Stofflet.
Under the direction of Rev. S. Leinbach, the church's first Pastor,
a House of Worship was built, in 1872.
The cornerstone for Trinity Reformed Church, of Coplay, Pa 1872 was
placed on July 28, 1872; the Church was dedicated in June, 1873. The
Land and $2000.00 was donated by The Lehigh Valley Iron Co. The
total project cost was approximately $8,200 which today would equal
approximately $152,400.
In January, 1945; fire consumed the entire Church building and all
was lost. After much deliberation, it was decided, a new Church
would be built; June 5, 1947 a ground breaking service was held. The
Congregation was able to move into an unfinished Fellowship Hall.
The new Church was dedicated in May, 1949.
The Church name has changed twice since it was first formed. First
to Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1936; in 1958 it was
changed to and now remains Trinity United Church of Christ.
Beginning in 1967, a Community Thanksgiving Service was held. St.
John's Lutheran Church, St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church and
Trinity UCC congregations joined together for one cooperative
Service, this
tradition still runs today.
Each of the three Churches alternate
hosting this event, congregations and choirs all come together as
one, for the festivities. Offering gathered at this event is donated
to a local
Organization to honor the spirit of giving. The entire community is
invited to attend!!
Today, Trinity consists of approximately 150
parishioners; Pastor
Steven Hummel leads the church in Worship.